Kentucky Cannabis Licensing


Kentucky is about to implement a KY medical cannabis licensing process for growers, processors and retailers. Some regulations have already been written, and the rest are expected by July 1, 2024. License applications may be accepted as soon as this fall.

Although this could change, there is currently no published limit on how many licenses will be available, so if you have a properly zoned location and local approval, you can probably get a license.

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​​​​Kentucky Medical Cannabis Laws

Governor Andy Beshear signed Senate Bill 47 (SB 47) into law on March 31, 2023,  creating a medical cannabis industry in KY, beginning Jan. 1, 2025. Recreational cannabis is still illegal.

The State of KY now ensures that:

Kentucky Dispensary License

  • Patients have access to medical providers and treatment for qualifying conditions.
  • Medical cannabis products are contaminant-free and labeled accurately to inform patients and caregivers.
  • Cannabis is kept away from children and those who are not legally allowed to possess and consume cannabis.
  • Cannabis businesses operate safely and responsibly.

Kentucky’s cannabis regulations are the rules that will govern how the medical cannabis program will work for people and for businesses.

All 10 of the currently available regulations are here. More regulations, including an application process, are expected to be published by July 1, 2024.

The main KY medical cannabis program page, listing all of the regulation links is here.

CS Consulting Can Help with Any Document Requirements for Your KY Cannabis License!

What Will I Need To Apply for a Kentucky Cannabis License?

Kentucky Cannabis LicenseThe current KY cannabis regulations discuss many plans and procedures that will be required to become operational, but these things might not be required to obtain your license. This is from pages 2-4 of the KY Cultivation Regulations:

Section 2. Plans of operation.

(1) Prior to its first day of cultivation activities in the commonwealth, a cultivator shall establish standard operating procedures for the following:

(a) Employment policies and procedures;

(b) Security including:

  1.  Staff identification measures, including use of employee identification badges;
  2. Monitoring of attendance of staff and visitors;
  3. Alarm systems;
  4. Video surveillance;
  5. Monitoring and tracking inventory, including use of the commonwealth’s electronic monitoring system and seed to sale tracking system established pursuant to KRS 218B.140;
  6. Personnel security;
  7. Transportation of medicinal cannabis;
  8. Cash management and anti-fraud procedures;
  9. Measures to prevent loitering, which shall include signage; and
  10. Storage of seeds, seedlings, medicinal cannabis plants, medicinal cannabis, or medicinal cannabis products;

(c) The process for receiving, growing, cultivating, harvesting, handling, packaging, labeling, storing, transporting, and disposing of seeds, seedlings, medicinal cannabis plants, medicinal cannabis, or medicinal cannabis products and a process for handling, tracking, transporting, storing, and disposing of medicinal cannabis waste;

(d) Workplace safety, including conducting safety checks;

(e) Contamination;

(f) Maintenance, cleaning, and sanitation of equipment used to grow and cultivate medicinal cannabis;

(g) Maintenance and sanitation of the cultivator’s facility;

(h) Application of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides to medicinal cannabis at any point during the growing, cultivating, and harvesting processes;

(i) Proper handling and storage of any chemical or substance used in growing medicinal cannabis;

(j) Logging the use of all pesticides and chemical applications applied to medicinal, cannabis and medicinal cannabis products;

(k) Quality control, including strict regulation of the amount of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol content in each medicinal cannabis harvest batch, proper labeling, and minimization of medicinal cannabis contamination;

(l) Recordkeeping and inventory control;

(m) Investigation of complaints and potential adverse events received from other cannabis businesses, cardholders, or medicinal cannabis practitioners regarding the cultivator’s operations;

(n) Preventing unlawful diversion of medicinal cannabis;

(o) Recall plan; and

(p) Any other standard operating procedures required for all cannabis businesses in KRS Chapter 218B and 915 KAR Chapter 1;

(2) A cultivator shall make its standard operation procedures available to the cabinet upon request and during any inspection of the cultivator’s site and facility.

That’s a LOT of documents! 


Kentucky Cultivation License

Let’s take a look at what Kentucky dispensary license holders will need to provide. From pages 11-13 of the KY Dispensary Regulations:

Section 8. Plans of operation.

(I) Prior to its first day of selling or dispensing medicinal cannabis in the commonwealth, a dispensary shall establish standard operating procedures for the following:

(a) Employment policies and procedures;

(b) Security, including:

  1. Staff identification measures, including use of identification badges;
  2. Monitoring of attendance of staff and visitors;
  3. Alarm systems;
  4. Video surveillance;
  5. Monitoring and tracking inventory, including use of the commonwealth”s electronic monitoring system and seed to sale tracking system established pursuant to KRS 218B. l 40;
  6. Personnel security;
  7. Transportation of medicinal cannabis;
  8. Cash management and anti-fraud procedures;
  9. Measures to prevent loitering, which shall include signage; and
  10. Storage of medicinal cannabis and medicinal cannabis products

(c) Recordkeeping;

(d) The process for receiving, handling, transporting, storing, selling, and disposing of medicinal cannabis;

(e) Employee qualifications, supervision. and training;

(f) Workplace safety;

(g) Waste disposal;

(h) Maintenance, cleaning, and sanitation of facility;

(i) Investigation of complaints and potential adverse events received from other cannabis businesses, cardholders, or medicinal cannabis practitioners;

(j) Preventing unlawful diversion of medicinal cannabis;

(k) Recall plan;

(I) Contamination;

(m) Maintaining confidentiality of cardholder information, including information and documentation provided by visiting qualified patients; and

(n) Any other standard operating procedures required for all cannabis businesses in KRS Chapter 218B and 915 KAR Chapter 1.

(2) A dispensary shall make its standard operation procedures available to the cabinet upon request and during any inspection of the dispensary.

Also if dispensaries will have drive-through or curbside services:

(b) The dispensary provides the cabinet with detailed written plans and procedures for drive-thru and curbside pickup operations, including operating hours, how payment will be accomplished, how medicinal cannabis products will be provided to cardholders, and safety and security measures to ensure safe operations;


How to get a cannabis license in KentuckyAs you can see from the above, there’s a 90+% overlap between the requirements for KY Cultivation Licenses and KY Dispensary Licenses. For anyone who wants more than one Kentucky cannabis license, this saves a lot of money on your documentation!

Kentucky cannabis processors applicants have similar licensing requirements, again with a few minor variations, especially related to procedures for methods of extraction and handling hazardous gasses.

For the actual application itself, we need to wait and see what they publish this summer. As of now, we don’t expect it to be competitive or difficult to submit a Kentucky cannabis application, but we will update this page as we learn more.


Contact us today to get the discussion started! We can help you with a cannabis business plan, budget, and other related KY cannabis licensing needs.


Understanding Cannabis Licensing in Kentucky

Navigating through Kentucky’s cannabis licensing process is like walking through a maze of regulations and paperwork. But, understanding the licensing system is your golden ticket to successfully participating in Kentucky’s burgeoning cannabis industry. Before you can dive into the business, obtaining a cannabis license in Kentucky is a must. This license serves as your legal authorization to cultivate, process, distribute, or sell cannabis within the state.

Kentucky has its own specific set of guidelines for cannabis licensing that you’ll need to follow closely. Keep in mind the licensing process is regulated by a state department tasked with overseeing cannabis operations, ensuring compliance with all regulations. Securing your license is an essential step, as it not only gives you the right to operate but it also protects you under state law. Addressing the rigorous licensing criteria is crucial—you’ll need to satisfy security, business, and operational regulations before your license is granted. The department in charge maintains strict standards to uphold the integrity and safety of the cannabis industry in Kentucky.

Kentucky’s cannabis licensing isn’t just about paying a fee; it’s about demonstrating responsibility and a commitment to adhering to the regulations that govern the industry. Remember, the journey to a cannabis license is an investment in your future business—approach it with diligence and respect for the law.

Kentucky Cannabis Dispensary Licenses

Venturing into the cannabis industry in Kentucky, particularly the dispensary sector, requires a thorough understanding of the licensing process. If you’re looking to establish a cannabis business, grasping how to secure a Kentucky cannabis dispensary license is crucial. Specializing in medical cannabis, Kentucky ensures that those involved are well-versed in not just business acumen, but also in the intricacies that come with handling highly regulated medicines. To run a successful cannabis business in Kentucky demands attention to detail, and acquiring a dispensary license is step one. The journey toward opening a dispensary can be complex, given the rigorous application process and compliance with state laws. It isn’t just about the licenses; a full comprehension of the local rules and regulations is also necessary. As the Kentucky cannabis industry evolves, staying updated on licensing requirements and best practices becomes increasingly vital for both established and aspiring cannabis businesses. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a novice to the cannabis business, understanding Kentucky’s regulatory nuances paves the way for a thriving dispensary in the heart of America’s hemp-savvy region.

Kentucky Cannabis Cultivation Licenses

Kentucky’s foray into the cannabis industry has opened avenues for entrepreneurs aiming to delve into cannabis cultivation. While the state has been methodical in its approach to cannabis business licensing, acquiring a cannabis cultivation license is a step many are eager to take. It’s the backbone of the cannabis business, after all, providing the foundational product for the medical cannabis market. The intricate process of navigating Kentucky cannabis licensing requires a clear understanding of the regulations set forth by the state’s medical cannabis department, which is the agency responsible for overseeing cannabis cultivation. Prospective cultivators must pay close attention to the stringent requirements, which ensure regulatory compliance and promote a responsible cannabis industry in Kentucky.

Securing a cultivation licenses in KY means satisfying criteria regarding security, traceability, and crop management. As the cannabis industry evolves in Kentucky, stakeholders are focusing more on how cultivation practices affect the product’s quality and safety for medical use. Furthermore, those interested in joining Kentucky’s cannabis cultivation community are advised to keep up-to-date with state legislation changes, as this can impact licensing processes. Successfully obtaining a cultivation license is more than just a regulatory victory; it’s an opportunity to contribute to a sector that’s energizing the state’s economy, creating jobs, and delivering medical benefits to those in need.

Kentucky Cannabis Processor LicensesDiving into the cannabis industry in Kentucky, specifically the world of processing, requires a thorough understanding of state regulations and acquiring the right cannabis license. If you’re eyeing a cannabis business that handles the transformation of raw plant material into a variety of products, the Kentucky cannabis processor licenses are essential. Kentucky’s Office of Medical Cannabis, established as a part of the regulatory framework, is the go-to authority overseeing licensing for processors within the state’s burgeoning medical cannabis market. As 2024 approaches, it’s crucial for prospective business owners to stay informed about the evolving landscape of licensing in Kentucky.

The state has crafted specific regulations to ensure that processing is performed safely and within legal boundaries. Acquiring a cannabis license isn’t just a formality; it’s a step that grants business owners the rights to operate legally and responsibly. Kentucky’s focus on a regulated cannabis industry means that every processor license comes with a set of standards to maintain the integrity of medical cannabis products. Keep in mind that the licensing process involves several layers of compliance, from properly zoning your business to meeting stringent health and safety protocols.
Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or new to the cannabis industry, navigating the licensing terrain is key to launching and sustaining a successful processing business in Kentucky. With the right guidance and adherence to the state’s office regulations, your journey to obtaining a processor license can be straightforward and rewarding as you contribute to the expanding cannabis industry in Kentucky.

Kentucky Cannabis Producer Licenses

The Cannabis Producer License in KY is for those who want to both cultivate and process cannabis. Those aiming to become a producer of medical cannabis would do well to keenly observe the unfolding regulations under the guiding hand of Kentucky’s department in charge of cannabis oversight. As we veer towards 2024, industry entrants should prepare to navigate the complexities of the state’s licensing requirements.

Most growers in other states also seek processing or manufacturing licenses due to the fact that at least 1/3 of each crop is made up of lower quality flower material that is more profitably used for extracts, like gummies or vapes.

Planning Ahead for Kentucky’s Cannabis License Application Process

The best thing you can do to plan ahead for a KY medical cannabis license is to contact your local municipality to tell them of your plans and ask what kinds of information they will need to approve your use. They might tell you that you need to first identify a property, then come back to them for next steps. If they operate like most states, they will schedule you for a public hearing and allow all neighborhood stakeholders to have a say in whether or not they want you around. Unfortunately, neighbors commonly resist having cannabis businesses nearby because they fear possibly security issues or object to the smell. This is more of an issue for dispensaries than for production facilities, and certain safeguards can be put in place to minimize problems, such as adding extra security patrols and installing odor mitigation equipment.

Getting Your Kentucky Cannabis Business Plan Ready

Crafting a comprehensive cannabis business plan is vital, as it lays the groundwork for your enterprise and is a key document when applying for a cannabis license. Within this plan, your business model details must be meticulously outlined, considering the unique regulations Kentucky imposes on cannabis operations. It’s crucial to address how your establishment will be profitable, what it will produce or sell per month and per year, what expenses will be, as well as the initial capital expenses. We can help with your KY cannabis business plan! Contact us to get started.

In preparing your business plan, factor in the potential risks associated with the cannabis industry, ensuring your strategy includes mitigation measures. Whether you’re interested in retail through a cannabis dispensary license, or production through cannabis cultivation, processor, or producer licenses, your business plan is the cornerstone of your license application. Kentucky’s cannabis landscape is dynamic, and your business plan must mirror this fluidity, guaranteeing that your cannabis business is poised for success in the state’s evolving market.

Finding Investors for Your Kentucky Cannabis Business

Securing the right investors for your cannabis business can be a pivotal step in navigating the cannabis industry in Kentucky. Potential investors are looking for well-informed entrepreneurs who understand the licensing intricacies and are prepared to meet the regulatory requirements set by the Kentucky Department of state offices. They’re not just investing in a concept; they’re allocating their resources to a provider that can thrive amidst the evolving landscape of both medical and adult-use cannabis, assuming the latter becomes legal.

Whether it’s a dispensary, cultivation, processor, or producer license that you’re aiming for, you’ll need to demonstrate how your cannabis business stands out. Enlighten investors with current news and progress on cannabis legalization and how it may affect future operations. Keep in mind that medical cannabis is currently at the forefront in Kentucky, and investors are monitoring this segment closely. Also, clearly communicate the extent of your rights as a licensed establishment. By showcasing your preparedness to tackle the cannabis market, you will build confidence among investors and pave a path toward a successful enterprise in this dynamic industry.

Your Location: Zoning and Local Approvals for Producer and Dispensary Applicants in Kentucky

When diving into the world of medical cannabis licenses in Kentucky, it’s important to consider the significance of zoning and local approvals, especially if you’re looking to become a cannabis producer or open a cannabis dispensary. Kentucky’s landscape for licensing requires a careful examination of the specific locations where you plan to set up shop. Local zoning rights play a pivotal role in determining whether you’ll get the green light. As you map out your journey to secure a cannabis license, it’s essential to understand the local ordinances that could affect your application.

Every aspiring dispensary or producer must navigate the local approvals process, which could involve public hearings and getting the nod from nearby residents or businesses. Securing approval from local zoning offices can be a nuanced venture, with each Kentucky municipality potentially having different rules and expectations. The state office that oversees cannabis licensing will expect you to demonstrate compliance with local zoning requirements, making it a non-negotiable step in becoming a licensed provider.
Before you get your business plan ready or start seeking investors for your Kentucky cannabis enterprise, ensure you’ve got a firm grasp on the zoning and local approvals needed. It’s a strategic move that can greatly affect your chances of successfully securing a license and establishing your presence in Kentucky’s budding cannabis industry.