KY Dispensary License, Cultivation License – Operational Plan


Kentucky is about to implement a medical cannabis application process for Growers, Processors and Retailers (Dispensaries). The application portal for entering the lottery to win a license will be open from July 1st to August 31st, 2024. (Coming soon!)

The license number limitations are extreme and unbalanced. There will be 48 KY dispensary licenses, 16 KY Cultivation Licenses (of 3 different sizes) and 10 KY Processor licenses.

The state has published an application guidance document that can be found here.

Most of what is required in the application portal can only be gathered by the applicant, such as business formation documents, identification information and sources of funds, but we can help with some core components of what’s required.

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Operational Plan

From page 48 of the Licensing Application Guide, the state is showing a 2-page Table of Contents for what should be in the Operational Plan Summary that must be uploaded:

“Applicant should provide a narrative detailing support for, at a minimum, the following:

Part I – Security

  1. A security plan in accordance with Regulations that establishes policies and procedures to ensure a secure, safe facility to prevent theft, loss or diversion and protect facility personal, including:
    1. Staff identification measures, including the use of employee identification badges;
    2. Monitoring of attendance of staff and visitors.
    3. A professionally monitored security alarm system.
    4. Video surveillance utilizing commercial-grade equipment, to prevent unauthorized entry and to prevent and detect adverse loss.
    5. Monitoring and tracking inventory, including use of the state’s electronic monitoring system and seed to sale tracking system established pursuant to KRS 218B.140.
    6. Personnel Security
    7. Cash management and anti-fraud procedures.

Part II – Employee Qualifications, Supervision and Training

    1. Organizational structure and qualifications required for employees in various roles.
    2. Training programs for employees

Part III – Transportation of Medicinal Cannabis

    1. Procedures for secure transportation in accordance with the regulations.

Part IV – Storage and Labeling of Medicinal Cannabis

    1. Procedures for storage of medical cannabis, including installation of a system to monitor, record and regulate temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting and water supply.
    2. Packaging and labeling standards in accordance with the regulations.

Part V – Inventory Management

    1. Procedures for maintaining inventory data in the state’s electronic monitoring system and seed to sale tracking system established pursuant to KRS 218B.140
    2. Inventory controls and procedures to conduct inventory reviews and comprehensive inventories.

Part VI – Recordkeeping

    1. Procedures for maintaining inventory data in the state’s electronic monitoring system and seed
    2. Procedures for maintaining employee records and identification

Part VII – Preventing Unlawful Diversion of Medicinal Cannabis

    1. Measures in place to prevent unlawful diversion.

Part VIII – Workforce Development and Job Creation

    1. Programs for Employee Development

We offer a professionally written Operational Plan for $1997. ​​​​This will be a 30-page document that cites the latest version of the regulations where applicable.

Financial Plan

“915 KAR 1:010E, Section 3(5): The applicant shall submit the following in the initial license application: (p) Financial plan for the proposed cannabis business, including budget and cash flow planning and debt management;”

We offer a budget and cash flow plan that follows the example given for $900. Debt management will be up to the applicant.

Timeline to Become Operational

“915 KAR 1:010E, Section 3(5): The applicant shall submit the following in the initial license application: (o) A timeline showing the steps and estimated amount of time the applicant shall take to begin cannabis business activities in the commonwealth;”

We offer a timeline that follows the example given for $300. 

Important: All Kentucky Cannabis Applications Have the Right to a 10-Day Cure Period, Meaning You Get a Chance to Fix Errors. This Take Some Pressure Off the Initial Application Submission. 

Kentucky Cannabis Licensing

Governor Andy Beshear signed Senate Bill 47 (SB 47) into law on March 31, 2023,  creating a medical cannabis industry in KY, beginning Jan. 1, 2025. Recreational cannabis is still illegal.

The State of KY now ensures that:

Kentucky Dispensary License

  • Patients have access to medical providers and treatment for qualifying conditions.
  • Medical cannabis products are contaminant-free and labeled accurately to inform patients and caregivers.
  • Cannabis is kept away from children and those who are not legally allowed to possess and consume cannabis.
  • Cannabis businesses operate safely and responsibly.

Kentucky’s cannabis licensing regulations are the rules that will govern how the medical cannabis program will work for people and for businesses.

All 10 of the currently available regulations are here. More regulations, are expected to be published by July 1, 2024.

The main KY medical cannabis program page, listing all of the regulation links is HERE.

CS Consulting Can Help with Many KY Cannabis Licensing Requirements!


How to Get a Kentucky Cannabis License

Kentucky Cannabis License

Quite a bit of paperwork is required to apply for the lottery qualification, but none of it is very complex. 75% of it is information that most people and business owners have at their fingertips, such as business formation documents and EIN. You can see it all in the Licensing Guide, and we can also walk you through it.


Understanding Kentucky Cannabis Licensing

Understanding Kentucky’s cannabis regulations is tough for industry newbies, but eventually, you’ll get the hang of it. Before you can dive into the business rules though, you have to be lucky enough to win the KY Cannabis License Lottery. That’s why focusing on the Kentucky cannabis application requirements for lottery qualification should be the highest priority at this point.

Keep in mind the licensing process is regulated by a state department, called “the cabinet”, that is tasked with overseeing licensing, operations, and ensuring compliance with all regulations. Securing a license is all that matters at first, because without a license, you will be at constant risk of getting shut down.

Kentucky’s cannabis application process depends a little bit on previous experience, but mostly, it’s just a paperwork hurdle. If you submit good quality, coherent materials, you will qualify for the lottery and hopefully come out a winner.

Kentucky Cannabis Dispensary Licenses

Kentucky Cultivation LicenseVenturing into the cannabis industry in Kentucky, particularly the dispensary sector, requires a thorough understanding of the the retail market in your state. Focusing on medicinal cannabis, Kentucky requires that those involved understand the intricacies that come along with handling regulated medicines. For example, some of their inventory control requirements are the same as those required for pharmaceutical medicine tracking. KY is not a state that’s taking cannabis casually the way some western states do. They are poised to be very hard on non-compliance operators once they have their program up and running.

Kentucky Cannabis Cultivation Licenses

Kentucky’s willingness to allow any kind of cannabis industry in the state is opening up avenues for entrepreneurs aiming to delve into cannabis cultivation, as well as processing and dispensing. The state has been methodical in its approach to setting up a system for cannabis business licensing, but for cultivators, there aren’t very many licenses available, and all of them will be expensive to set up since they must be indoor. Environmental controls are very expensive, for example, due to all of the heat and moisture produced by indoor plants. Prospective cultivators must also pay close attention to the stringent regulatory requirements the state has published. For example, they have strict rules about registering strains, testing, and tracking every seed, clone and plant in the grow facility.

As the cannabis industry evolves in Kentucky, the regulatory agency is focusing on how cultivation practices affect the product’s quality and safety for medical use. They want to ensure that plants and batches are clean, consistent, trackable, and matched with the needs of medical patients. They have recently expanded the list of ailments for patients who want to use medical cannabis, making the cultivation opportunity a bit better than it would have been otherwise. The big problem for KY cannabis cultivators is that very few licenses will be available, however, the state plans to allow all cultivation license types to become up to 3x larger in canopy size if the market requires more supply, which it surely will.

Kentucky Cannabis Processor Licenses

Cannabis processors take plant biomass and turn it into derivative products that can be consumed by medical patients. The list of allowed cannabis products in KY includes:

(a) Edibles;

(b) Oils;

(c) Topical forms, including gel, creams, ointments, and cosmetics;

(d) Forms medically appropriate for administration by vaporization or nebulization;

(e) Tinctures;

(f) Dermal patchs;

(g) Suppositories;

(h) Beverages;

(i) Raw plant material (such as fresh leaf juice), and

(j) Capsules.

This means a KY cannabis processor can have a business that’s as simple as a beverage business, or as complex as a business that offers a full line of processed cannabis products. If you are interested in a Kentucky cannabis processing license, you can always start small with a single product and expand over time to offer a bigger menu of choices. The budget involved can be as little as $200,000 or as big as $2,000,000.

The state has crafted specific regulations to ensure that processing is performed safely and within legal boundaries. Processors in all cannabis-legal states, including Kentucky, tend to have more compliance requirements than other license types because they are involved in food safety issues, consistency and quality of raw materials, storage, shelf life, expiration dates, detailed batch records, and more.

Being a cannabis processor is also known to be one of the more profitable cannabis license types because the raw materials can be very cheap to produce something that looks and acts fairly sophisticated from a consumer standpoint. Packaging and branding are more important, because unlike flower, you can’t tell by looking at and smelling a processed product if it’s high quality.

Planning Ahead for Kentucky Dispensary License

How to get a cannabis license in Kentucky

If you were to win a Kentucky dispensary license, one of the first things to do would be to contact your local municipality to tell them of your plans and ask what kinds of information they will need to approve your use. They might tell you that you need to first identify a property, then come back to them for next steps. They might have designation specific zoning or where it can be located. If they operate like most states, they will schedule you for a public hearing and allow all neighborhood stakeholders to have a say in whether or not they want you around. Unfortunately, neighbors commonly resist having cannabis businesses nearby because they fear possibly security issues or object to the smell. This is more of an issue for dispensaries than for production facilities, and certain safeguards can be put in place to minimize problems, such as adding extra security patrols and installing odor mitigation equipment.

Kentucky is issuing 48 dispensary licenses this year, so more people have a chance to win this type of license than any other type.

Getting Your Kentucky Cannabis Business Plan Ready

If you are going into the business, crafting a comprehensive cannabis business plan is vital, as it lays the groundwork for your enterprise and is a key document when applying for a Kentucky cannabis license. Within this plan, your business model details must be meticulously outlined, considering the unique regulations Kentucky imposes on cannabis operations. It’s crucial to address how your establishment will be profitable, what it will produce or sell per month and per year, what expenses will be, as well as the initial capital expenses. A business plan is not required for the KY cannabis application, but it’s still important for your planning and financing processes. We can help with your KY cannabis business plan! Contact us to get started.

Kentucky Cannabis License Cost

The cost of the cannabis license itself in Kentucky is not the hard part. The challenge is how to finance the business. For KY cannabis dispensaries, the cost can be as low as $200,000 and as high as $500,000, depending how big and fancy the store is. You need money for the building, inventory, employees, security, legal costs, and so many other things, but it’s still the cheapest, easiest license type to operate.

For Kentucky cannabis cultivators, the costs are much higher due to the equipment that must be purchased and installed in order to create the right environment for indoor cannabis. Even small grow operations can easily cost $1 million when you get the right lights, racks, irrigation system, air conditioning, dehumidification, air purification, etc, etc.

For processors, the costs vary the most because the product line can be very simple and low tech, or there can be many products that require a wide range of equipment to produce.

All in all, the KY cannabis license costs are high, and most people need investors.

The Challenge of Dealing with Investors for Your Kentucky Cannabis Business

Securing the right investors for your cannabis business can be a pivotal step in navigating the cannabis industry in Kentucky. Potential investors are looking for well-informed entrepreneurs who understand the licensing intricacies and are prepared to meet the KY cannabis licensing requirements set by the KY Medical Cannabis Program (The “Cabinet”). They’re not just investing in a concept; they’re allocating their resources to a provider that can thrive amidst the evolving landscape of both medical and adult-use cannabis, assuming the latter becomes legal.

Whether it’s a dispensary, cultivation, processor, or producer license that you’re aiming for, you’ll need to demonstrate how your cannabis business stands out. Enlighten investors with current news and progress on cannabis legalization and how it may affect future operations. Keep in mind that medical cannabis is brand new in Kentucky, and investors are monitoring things closely. By showcasing your preparedness to tackle the cannabis market, you will build confidence among investors and pave a path toward a successful enterprise in this dynamic industry.

One big warning about investors is that they will always try to maximize their profits and their control over your business, so the less you have to take from them, the better. It can be stifling to take on investors who breathe down your neck or make intensive payback demands when you are new to the industry and just trying to get your footing. Borrowing from friends and family is usually much better if it’s possible.

Before you get your business plan ready or start seeking investors for your Kentucky cannabis enterprise, ensure you’ve got a firm grasp on the zoning and local approvals needed. It’s a strategic move that can greatly affect your chances of successfully securing a license and establishing your presence in Kentucky’s budding cannabis industry.

Contact us today to get the discussion started!

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